Adamson S10p

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Adamson S10p

The S10p is a 2-way, full range point source cabinet containing 2x ND10-LM Low-Mid drivers (2x 16 Ω) and an NH3-8 1.4” exit compres- sion driver (8 Ω) loaded with either a 70° x 40° or a 100° x 50° (H x V) wasveguide, each rotatable by 90° increments. The design of the wave- guide ensures equal tonal balance when moving outside of the intended coverage pattern, delivering natural sound with no diffraction or lobing.

The cabinet construction uses marine grade birch plywood as well as aircraft grade aluminum and steel, and is equipped with two Speakon NL4 connectors. A disc rigging system is placed on the top and two side faces of the enclosure, with a multitude of accessories available allowing the enclosure to be deployed seamlessly in a variety of ap-plications. An inset Polemount Socket is located on the bottom of the cabinet.

The S10p is suited to a wide variety of applications. Its full range capa- bility (60 Hz) at reasonable levels qualifies for applications where sub is not required. The uniform voicing across the entire S-Series and E-Se- ries makes the S10p suitable for both outfill and sidefill applications.
