Adamson Fletcher machine

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Adamson Fletcher machine

The Adamson Fletcher Machine offers very simple and super efficient sound spatialization tools. It provides the highest degree of versatility and can be used in various loudspeaker environments, from simple to complex setups, in small or large scale venues, installations or touring, amusement parks and museums.

Hearing is believing - The Fletcher Machine was developed with both sound engineering and artistic emotion in mind, and with a no compromise focus on audio quality. Pure and pristine sound with no audible artifacts is delivered. This makes the Fletcher Machine the first choice in any immersive application, even for the most demanding environments.

Stage Model - The Fletcher Machine is available as a 3U 19" rack unit, with a 5" color touchscreen, allowing for IP address change, levels control and other various quick checks.

Reliable Connectors - The rear of the Stage model is equipped with a complete set of reliable, high quality connectors.

Traveler Model - And for those who like to travel light, we made the Traveler model.


The Fletcher -Machine is being developed by musicians and sound engineers with a high degree of knowledge and concern for the needs in real life situations. It benefits from a genuine development where sound spatialization relies on both amplitude and delay differences. Signals that are send to the loudspeakers are calculated from the objects point of view, ensuring the best spatial coherence for the listeners. The Fletcher Machine offers a complete set of OSC (Open Sound Control) and MIDI integrations, so it can be externally controlled by a mixing desk using a dedicated plugin (under development), Real Time Tracking System, or any other interface using these protocols.
